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Formulaire de paiement

Welcome to the 13th Single Molecule Localization Microscopy Symposium. The 2024 edition continues our tradition of bringing together leading scientists and researchers in the field of single-molecule localization microscopy and advanced super-resolution imaging technologies. This year, we celebrate a decade of remarkable advancements since the nobels for the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy and honor the pioneering contributions that have shaped our field.

In this page you will be able to add your information in the "identification" section, and find your payment amount in the dropdown menu in the "payment information" section.

Registration fees:

Academic 1 (Students, PhD candidates, Postdocs)

370 EUR 

Academic 2 (Senior Researchers, Group Leaders, Professors)

430 EUR 


500 EUR 


* Champs obligatoires

Données de paiement

Veuillez cocher la case ci-dessous pour continuer. *

* Champs obligatoires

I give my consent to the organisers of the SMLMS symposium to use my data to process payment.